
Liebe Leute, Herzlich Willkommen. Schön, dass ihr auf meinem Blog vorbei schaut. Ab August 2011 werde ich für 14 Monate in Südafrika, genauer gesagt in White River und Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, bei den Pfadfindern arbeiten. Stöbert doch einfach in meinen Einträgen und lernt meine Mosquitos kennen! Sala Khale Dani

Freitag, 16. März 2012


Hallo ihr Lieben,
die ersten eurer Spendengelder sind ausgegeben! Eine lokale Gruppe von 18 Pfadfindern hat eine kleine Summe bekommen, damit Sie ins Zeltlager fahren können.

Hier der Bericht des 1st Mbuyane Scout Troop:

On behalf of all those involved in the First Mbuyane Scout Troop, we would like to present this small report of appreciation to those who supported and enabled us to attend the BP camp of February 2012.

Letter from Scouts:

Dear Dani,
We are the children of Mbuyane High School. As our troop, we see that it is important to thank you for the
donation. As our troop, we thank you for supporting us, and being a great Scouter for us. If you were not there us we, we would not all go to B.P. Camp.
We enjoyed the BP Camp very much. We had fun learning something new in scouting. We tried our best to
show our respect to everyone. We are happy for the donation. You surprised us very much, as it was unexpected. You started our year with joy and happiness for the opening camp.

The 2012 BP Camp started on Friday, 24 February. Our Scout Troop, the First Mbuyane Scout Troop, joined the joint Insikazi and Nyamazane District Camp in Plaston. Lucy Magagula was the organizing commissioner for the event. Our troop had 18 Scouts participate in the camp. It was only the second time our troop had attended a camp (the first being the summer camp of 2011). Additionally, many of those who attended were new to Scouting, joining our scout group in early 2012 after enrolling at Mbuyane Secondary School. The camp was very valuable to show these new scouts that they are part of a large movement. Throughout the three day camp, we had several highlights:
 Many of our Scouts Participated and excelled in athletics competitions during the camp. Sharing the experience of exercise and fitness will be something we will take back to our troop.
 A major strength of our troop is the few scouts of ours who write poetry. Some of these scouts had the opportunity to share their poetry during the camp. Among the topics were the sensitive and valuable issues surrounding HIV/AIDs, poverty, and race relations.
 Our Scouts also benefiting from several life-skills trainings and lessons that reinforced living within the Scout Promise and Law for a healthy and happy lifestyle.
 Scouts learned about the life and history of Baden Powell, discovering how the Scouting movement was born, its roots, and how it has grown to be an international movement today.
 Our Scouts experienced camp-cooking for the first time. They learned teamwork and planning as they organized meals and cooked together.
Among several highlights of the camp, these are just a few. The most valuable aspect, however, is the ability for our troop to interact with scouts from throughout the area and to see that they have a strong and wide-spread peer-support network in scouting.

Letter from Scouters:

Dear Dani,
It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to thank you for supporting our troop. As you know, this donation came at a very difficult time for our troop; following the death of one of our scouts. Your donation allowed our troop to participate in a fun activity that helped them to rebound from the sorrow of losing one of their sisters in scouting.
Mafambisa, the area that our school is located, is the most disadvantaged part of Clau-Clau. Our area still struggles for basic resources such as water and electricity.Our water typically only comes to the tap once or twice a week for a period of only two to three hours. Similarly, our scouts also come from disadvantaged homes. Without donations and fundraising, our scouts would be unable to afford to attend camps. We constantly work towards fundraising for camps by recycling scrap metals, selling crafts, and
organizing school fundraisers. The BP camp was an event that our Scouts will never forget. Among the most
memorable moments, the most powerful for me was when one of our scouts recited a poem she had written in front of the entire camp. The poem was about the impact of HIV/AIDs in our community and life. This particular scout has been impacted tremendously by this epidemic in her life, giving her words not only greater meaning, but also displaying the strength and courage that this young woman has.
On behalf of all those involved with Scouting, we thank you for all your work and positive influence in the world of Scouting.

Kind Regards,
Ray Mona and Buddy Scarborough

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